Tuesday, July 15, 2008

¡siga no más!

EVERYWHERE, and i do mean EVERYWHERE, you hear people yelling this... i have found that it means a variety of things, but i think my favorite is the translation 'keep following!' because, let's be honest, that has been my life for the past month and ten days. just. keep. following. if you don't know what you're doing, act like you do until you can form the correct sentence in order to ask someone. (a useful technique.) life here is crazy. not fraternity party crazy, or no sleep crazy, but eye-opening crazy. that nonstop internal dialogue crazy where your mind never rests because you are continually thinking about something. some days are hard, and everyday is frustrating (for one reason or another), but i really love it here. (in ibarra, quito... not so much...) i am learning a lot. a lot of spanish. but a lot about life too. a lot about life outside of los estados... and i might just like the culture and life outside of los estados better... but that has yet to be officially determined. i also have about a bajillion things to update on about life in ibarra and the fam here... but. i seem to be suffering from roughly the 4th round of traveler's... traveler's... umm... discomforts? with the food? you following me? so time seems to be limited... and now is one of those times. but i am alive and going... and i can't believe i only have 3 and half weeks left. and i promise to write about the weekend soon (including her son's 25th birthday extravaganza, the hot thermal pools with her other 7 siblings, their families, and the abuelita... who may or may not have hugged a tree while saying 'energy', and more.) later dudes. (the enter key is not working...) besos, sarah

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