Wednesday, August 6, 2008

one more full day...

so sad. no time. here are the basics:

1. i helped give a spinal tap to a boy with meningitis... WITHOUT passing out this time. (this is improvement over last summer.)
2. we had cow stomach for lunch yesterday. (i opted for a can of tuna after trying a bite... there is just no getting around the fact that you are eating cow stomach with that kind of texture.)
3. my familia latina wants to come to the states for graduation... freaking awesome.
4. i don't want to pack.
5. that is all.

mucho amor,

Monday, August 4, 2008

call me 'doctora', por favor...

'why?' you might be asking yourselves? well, because i learned how to suture over the weekend. i pulled an evening shift on saturday and i learned how to sew with one of the younger doctors. we sewed up a guy's head, which was cut pretty deep. deep enough to warrant two layers of stiches. and although it was not the prettiest suturing job ever created, no importa, porque his hair will cover it up when it grows back. no big deal. THEN... there was a guy who cut his finger really deep and we had just finished giving him anesthsia shots when there was another emergency and dr. cristian had to tend to that... so he looks at me and goes, 'well. you know how to suture. give stiches here and here. come get me when you're done.' so. right. i sew the guy up... while sweating profusely and praying that i can capable... it was successful. cleaned him up. went and wrote the prescription... explained the medications (yes, in spanish)... and told the guy to come back in 8 days to get the stiches removed. and LISTO! :)

so i pretty much have my professional degree now. no need for medical school.

and time is winding down here... which is sad and happy at the same time. cristina and her niece want to visit the US in may for graduation... if they can get visas (it's ridiculously dificil)... which would be PHENOMENAL. i can't even imagine. and i have a list that is basically a mile long (not really, only 3 or 4 items) of people who want/need things that you can only get in the states (a pair of shoes for nurses... herbal essences conditioner... and some tape covering thing for your face... etc etc) so i get the privilege of getting all of that when i get home. but with that list of things, i also have a list a mile long (for real) of people who want me to come back and stay in their homes... which is sweet. they all ask me when i am coming back and if i will stay in THEIR house. that is why i love this place. the people are genuinely good people (buena gente) and just kind. i can't describe it. it's a different feeling down here once you are a part of the family. so yeah... i have una familia latina y muchos amigos... y un hogar, mas o menos. es la buena vida. en serio! :)

anyways. off to do... i don't know what... everyday is a surprise. but i can't wait to come home... have a conversation in english... not eat rice... the usual.
